Here we will cover how to manually install Joomla 3 or Joomla 4. All sub-versions of Joomla 3 and 4 will follow this same process
Before installing Joomla, there are a few requirements that need to be met. These apply regardless of your hosting plan. The minimum server software requirements can be found on the official Joomla! downloads page.
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- The following settings should be configured within PHP for use with Joomla
- memory_limit - Minimum: 64M Recommended: 128M or higher
- upload_max_filesize - Minimum: 20M
- post_max_size - Minimum: 20M
- max_execution_time: At Least 120 Recommended: 300
NOTE: PHP version 7.2.5 is the earliest PHP version compatible with Joomla 4. PHP version 8.0 is the recommended version. You can change the PHP version for your website using cPanel's MultiPHP Manager.
- Prepare the installation by downloading and uploading the Joomla! Package Files
- Download the current release of Joomla! 4.x or the desired version of Joomla! 3.x
- Upload the zip file via cPanel's File Manager or FTP, and then extract it within File Manager by right-clicking on it and selecting Extract
NOTE: The files should be uploaded to the document root of the domain/location you wish to install Joomla! in.
- Gather the database details
- If you already have a database that you are planning on using from a current Joomla site, you will need to make note of the following settings:
- Location of the database (Most instances will be localhost)
- The database name
- The database user's name
- The database user's password
- If you do not yet have a database for the installation, one will need to be created
- Make note of the following settings while creating it:
- Location of the database (Most instances will be localhost)
- The database name
- The database user's name
- The database user's password
- Make note of the following settings while creating it:
- If you already have a database that you are planning on using from a current Joomla site, you will need to make note of the following settings:
- Start the web installer by opening your browser to the site's domain name (and subfolder, if applicable) where you installed the files
NOTE: The following screenshots are from the 3.x versions of Joomla, but the fields are mostly the same in the 4.x versions. Some options have been removed for simplicity in versions 4.x. However, all configuration options can still be modified from the dashboard after the initial installation process. The database credentials can also be updated in the configuration.php file if needed.
- Main Configuration
NOTE: Joomla! will try to identify the Select Language field automatically from your browser's language, you can change this if needed.
- Fill in the following information
- Site Name: The name of your website
- Description: Enter a description of the website
- This is a global fallback meta description used on every page that will be used by search engines
- Generally, a maximum of 20 to 25 words is optimal
- Admin Email Address: Enter a valid email in case you forget your password, this is the email address where you'll receive a link to change the admin password
- Admin Username: Joomla! uses a default "admin" as the username for the Super User
- Admin Password: Remember that Super User has maximum control of the site (front-end & back-end), so make sure to use a strong password
- Site Offline: Click the Yes or No box
- Yes - this means when installation is complete, your Joomla! website will display the 'Site is offline' message when you browse to the home page
- No - this means the site is live when you browse to the home page
- Fill in the following information
- Database Configuration
- You will need to enter the information about the database you will use for Joomla! now
- Database Type: MySQLi is the common database used
- Hostname Where is your database located? Usually, this will be set to localhost
- Username: The username used to connect to the database
- Password: The password for the database's username
- Database Name: The name of the database
- Table Prefix: One is generated automatically, but you can change it
CAUTION: Don't forget to put the underscore character (_) at the end of the prefix. - Old Database Process: Select Backup or Remove
- Backup - The installer backs-up existing tables during the installation of new tables
- Delete - The installer deletes existing tables during the installation of new tables
- You will need to enter the information about the database you will use for Joomla! now
- Finalize
- The last page of the web browser installation contains all the information about the installation
- This includes the options for installing sample data and the installation's configurations for confirmation
- This includes the options for installing sample data and the installation's configurations for confirmation
- The first option is to install some sample data into Joomla
- New users may find this beneficial as a way to get to know the workings of Joomla
- At this time you can choose to have the configuration settings emailed to you
- If the Email Configuration choice is selected, the option to Email Password will appear
- You can choose to have the password included, just click Yes to do so
TIP: This option is off by default for security purposes.
- You can choose to have the password included, just click Yes to do so
- If the Email Configuration choice is selected, the option to Email Password will appear
- The last page of the web browser installation contains all the information about the installation
- Configuration Check
- If everything is in order, you will see the install at the top of the overview page
- If you don't see that, this is the place to check to see what may be causing an issue.
- Main Configuration: Shows all the currently configured information for the website itself such as the website name, description, admin username, etc.
- Database Configuration: Shows the information Joomla will use to connect to the database
- Pre-Installation Check: Shows a confirmation that all requirements for Joomla to function have been met
- Most of these, other than PHP version, can be configured within your PHP configuration file, usually php.ini or .user.ini
- The recommended values for the PHP settings can be found in step 1 of this guide
- Most of these, other than PHP version, can be configured within your PHP configuration file, usually php.ini or .user.ini
- Recommended Settings: These settings are recommendations for your PHP configuration but are not required for Joomla to be installed
- If you don't see that, this is the place to check to see what may be causing an issue.
- If everything is correct and all checks pass, you may click Install in the top right corner to proceed with the installation
- If everything is in order, you will see the install at the top of the overview page
- Finishing up
Congratulations, you have installed Joomla!
- If you would like to install additional languages for use with Joomla, you can do so by clicking Extra steps:Install languages
- The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to install additional language packs and set your default language
TIP: Don't worry if you forget to, or have trouble installing languages here as you will be able to install them later from within the Administrator dashboard. - When you are done, click Remove Installation Folder
- You can now log into the Administrator dashboard by clicking Administrator
- The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to install additional language packs and set your default language
- If you wish to use Joomla right away without installing any additional languages, you must delete the Installation Folder
- Click Remove Installation folder
- You can now log into the Administrator dashboard by clicking Administrator
- Main Configuration
This article covers Joomla versions 3.x - 4.x.
If an updated version is available and not documented here, drop us a comment so we can work to get it updated for you as soon as possible!