There are many different Webmail clients that can be used when you decide Horde or Roundcube are not for you.
Here we cover the steps to download additional Webmail clients through Softaculous, which can be located through your Account Management Panel (AMP) as well as your cPanel.
Any of our hosting plans are able to make use of these alternate Webmail clients.
Installation of these additional Webmail clients will not be added to the Webmail selection drop-down in the cPanel Webmail interface. They must be accessed via the URL.
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Download Webmail
- Locate and click the Softaculous icon
- Via cPanel
- Via AMP
- Via cPanel
- In the menu to the left, click on Mails
- Click on the webmail client that you want to use and download
- Click on the blue button labeled Install Now in the Installation tab
- Follow the instructions to install the webmail client
NOTE: You will need to have your email settings to complete this portion of the installation.
CAUTION: You can select a specific directory to install the application, but be aware that it will affect the URL that you use to access the application. For example, if you use webmail for the installation directory, then the URL use would be:
- Softaculous will complete the installation and then provide you with the URL to access the application
NOTE: This URL is how you will access the Webmail Client and is the only way to do so.