When there are multiple credit cards on file, and you want to remove a card from your Account Management Panel (AMP) you are able to follow the following steps to do so.
Be advised that this process can only be completed if there is more than one card on file. If you wish to have the last card removed, you will need to contact Customer Service.
Our Customer Service team is available 24/7 via chat or ticket.
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- While in AMP, hover over the Billing tab and select Manage Payment Method
OR click Update Credit Card on My Account Page - On the list of credit cards, click View More/Edit next to the card needing to be removed
- Locate and click the Delete button
- Once selected, a pop-up will confirm the option with "This is going to delete the credit card ending in XXXX from your account. Are you sure?"
- Confirm your choice by selecting Delete and the system will adjust any applicable subscriptions to the next card on file
- Repeat Steps 1-5 for all needed credit cards until you are left with at least one card on file