These steps explain how to create and set up an autoresponder for an email address. Autoresponders are convenient if needing to reply to all incoming messages with a custom response. Access to cPanel will be needed to complete these steps.
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Create Email Account in cPanel
Autoresponder Setup
TIP: Confirm that the email account that the autoresponder is intended for is already created within cPanel. If the email address is not present, create the email address within cPanel.
- Log into cPanel
- Navigate to Autoresponders, located in the Email section
- Click the Add Autoresponder button
- In the Email field, enter the email address that the message will come from
- In the Domain field, select the appropriate domain from the dropdown menu
- In the From field, enter the display name to use
- Fill out the Subject and Body with the custom response needed
NOTE: The message created here will be sent to any email address that contacts the email address in the "Email"/"Domain" section, so long as the autoresponder is active. - Leave the Start setting as "Immediately", and the Stop setting as "Never"
TIP: If the autoresponder is intended to be used for a specific timeframe, Custom can be used for the Start and Stop settings. - Click Create