A Dedicated SSL certificate allows for peace of mind while online transactions are completed on your website, validates the ownership of your website, and reduces the threat of phishing schemes.
Here are the steps to follow to purchase a Dedicated SSL Certificate for a specific domain, at a cost of $99 annually plus a $25 one-time installation fee per Dedicated SSL Certificate
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Install Third-Party SSL
Purchase SSL
- While in AMP, locate and select the Purchase Dedicated SSL Certificate icon
- Input the Certificate Name, which is the name of the domain that the Dedicated SSL will be applied to
- Click Next
- Fill out the Generate CSR Request form fields
- Please be aware that the certificates are validated against the customer's domain's WhoIs information, so if the CSR information differs from that, the certificate may take longer to issue
- Please be aware that the certificates are validated against the customer's domain's WhoIs information, so if the CSR information differs from that, the certificate may take longer to issue
- Once all fields are filled out appropriately, click Continue
- Confirm all billing information shown is correct
- Check the box to agree to the Terms of Service
- Select the appropriate credit card to process the payment
- Click Submit
- Your request will be processed by a Technical Support team member and a follow-up email will be sent to the primary email on file to confirm the installation is complete