Among the many benefits of using Cloudflare, its caching can dramatically improve the performance of your website by storing a copy of the site's static content on their globally distributed servers.
This cache is purged automatically after a set amount of time, but there may be times when you need to purge the cache manually, such as when changes you've made to certain content, such as JavaScript, are not being displayed, or when troubleshooting an issue.
Here we cover the steps to clear your website's cache at Cloudflare.
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Clear Cache
- Log into your Cloudflare account and select your domain
- Navigate to Caching > Configuration
- Locate the Purge Cache section
- To clear the cache for a single URL
- Click the Custom Purge button
NOTE: Enterprise plans include additional options to purge by Hostname, Cache-tag, or Prefix under this option. - Enter the URL for which you wish to clear the cache and click the Purge button
- Click the Custom Purge button
- To purge the cache for your entire website
- Click the Purge Everything button
- Click Purge Everything again to confirm
- To clear the cache for a single URL
- Allow up to 30 seconds to changes to take affect