Here we discuss how to use an under construction index page that informs site visitors of ongoing development or site maintenance. This process is useful for sites in development but can also be used to temporarily hide live site content from visitors. Creating the under construction page will require cPanel access to use the File Manager utility.
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Under Construction Index Page
- Go to the document root of the website in question in File Manager
- Check if there is an under_construction.html page there
- If not, you can quickly create the file and insert the following contents:
<!-- text/x-generic index.html_ ( HTML document, ASCII text, with very long lines ) -->
<!-- This is an under construction page provided by Web Hosting Hub to use with your sites as needed. This file includes instructions on how to activate it as a landing page for your site, how to incorporate your personal logo, and how to change the text. -->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta author="Web Hosting Hub" />
<title>Our Site is Under Construction</title>
<link href=',400italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<style type="text/css">
background: #fcfaf2;
font-family: Vollkorn;
padding-top: 100px;
text-align: center;
color: #353535;
font: italic normal normal 72px 'Gentium Book Basic';
border-bottom: 1px solid #e2e1d9;
border-top: 1px solid #e2e1d9;
color: #c90707;
font: normal normal normal 18px 'Gentium Book Basic', serif;
margin: 10px auto 0;
padding: 20px 0;
width: 750px
display: block;
margin: 0 auto 10px;
<!-- If you would like to use your own logo, please follow these instructions:
1.) Name your logo file "logo.jpg." Ensure the extension is "jpg" in lower-case, rather than in upper-case "JPG," because the code that calls the file is case sensitive.
2.) Login to your cPanel account. For instructions, copy and paste the following link into your browser:
3.) Click on "File Manager" under the "Files" Section
4.) You will get prompted with a pop-up menu asking what directory you would like to start in. Select the public_html directory and click Go.
5.) Click the Upload link at the top of the File Manager.
6.) Browse your local computer for the file you want to upload.
7.) Select the file and click Open.
8.) Close the Upload files page. Refresh your File Manager by clicking the Reload link at the top middle of the File Manager. You should see "logo.jpg" listed in the File Manager now.
9.) If you downloaded this HTML file from the Support Center, follow steps 5 through 8 to upload this file as well.
10.) In the File Manager, select the file under-construction.html and click the "Code Editor" icon on top of the page.
11.) This will open a dialog box with instructions for using the code editor. Click "Edit" in the lower right corner of the box to open the under construction file for editing.
12.) You will see the page is written in HTML and CSS. Locate the line numbers on the left hand side of the page, then locate the following code on line number 61: <!--<img src="logo.jpg" id="logo"> -->
<!-- 13.) The code on line 61 is for the logo and it is commented out, meaning it is not viewable to the public. Remove the comment portions of the code by deleting the first four characters that are <!-- and the last three characters that are -->
<!-- 14.) Click the "Save Changes" button in the top right.
15.) Click the "Close" button in the top right. This will lead you back to the File Manager.
16.) Select the file under-construction.html and click the "Rename" icon on the top of the page. This will open the dialog box for renaming the HTML file.
17.) Delete the text "under-construction.html" in the input box and type in "index.html". Click the "Rename File" button on the bottom right. This will activate the under construction page in your site. You should see the logo appear at the top of the page, as well. If you accidentally break the code and you're unsure of how to fix it, you can always download an original copy of this HTML file in our Support Center and reupload it to the public_html folder. You can access the original copy here: You may also change the text that appears on the page by locating the text in the code below
<!--<img src="logo.jpg" id="logo"> -->
<div id="heading">
Under Construction <!-- Updating this line of code will change the larger text on the top -->
We apologize for any inconvenience and should be back up with a newly updated website soon. <!-- Updating this line of code will change the smaller text -->
<!-- This is an under construction page provided by Web Hosting Hub to use with your sites as needed. This file includes instructions on how to activate it as a landing page for your site, how to incorporate your personal logo, and how to change the text. -->
- If not, you can quickly create the file and insert the following contents:
- Rename the file to index.htm
- Alternatively, you could create a file called index.htm in the document root of the site, edit it, and paste the contents of the file you got in step 2
- Edit the .htaccess file and paste this at the top
DirectoryIndex index.htm
- When the page is no longer needed, simply remove the
line from the .htaccess file