A vanity nameserver is a nameserver that is branded, or whitelabled, to a domain of your choice instead of webhostinghub.com. While custom nameservers operate separately from our nameservers, vanity nameservers still use the IP addresses and physical servers of our nameservers.
Vanity nameservers can make your site appear more professional by masking the fact you’re using our nameservers. When someone does a Whois lookup on your domain, they can see the nameservers that your domain points to. For instance, if your domain was domain.com, here is what you would see as follows.
Before vanity name servers:
Using vanity name servers:
Here we detail the steps to set up vanity nameservers using your domain.
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Update Domain Nameservers
Web Hosting Hub Nameservers
Check DNS for a Domain
Vanity Nameserver Setup
- Log into cPanel
- Navigate to Zone Editor, located under the Domains section
- Next to the domain you wish to use for your nameservers, Click the +A Record button
- In the Add an A Record popup, enter the following values:
- Name: ns1
- Address:
NOTE: The domain will be filled in automatically in the Name field when you click or tab away from it.
- Click the Add an A Record button
- Click the +A Record button again and create another record with the following values:
- Name: ns2
- Address:
- Create glue records at the domain registrar
NOTE: If the domain is registered with Web Hosting Hub, follow the below steps to create the glue records in your Account Management Panel (AMP). For domains registered elsewhere, refer to your registrar's documentation for instructions on creating glue records.
Create Glue Records in AMP
- In AMP, Navigate to Domains>Manage Domains
- Click the domain you will be using for your nameservers
- Click Create Custom nameservers
- Enter the details for your new nameservers
- Host Name: ns1.domain.com
- IP Address:
- Host Name: ns2.domain.com
- IP Address:
REPLACE: domain.com with your domain name.
- Click the Submit button
- Point your domain to the new nameservers
- If the domain is registered with Web Hosting Hub, see the guide on updating your domain's nameservers in AMP
- If the domain is registered elsewhere, refer to your registrar's documentation for instructions on changing your domain's nameservers
NOTE: DNS changes are subject to propagation. It may take up to 4-24 hours for this change to fully take effect.