Here we discuss how to add an A record for a domain. This process involves using the cPanel Zone Editor. DNS changes can take 4 to 24 hours to propagate across the web.
Use cPanel Zone Editor
- Log into the appropriate cPanel for the Domain
- In the Domains section, locate Zone Editor
- Locate the Domain and then click Manage
- If the record is not found a new record can be added
- Choose Add "A" Record
- Enter the Domain name in Valid Zone Name and then the IP it needs to point to in IPv4 Address
- Click Save Record
CAUTION: Make sure there is a . on the end of the Zone Name.
- If the record is not found a new record can be added
- If the record exists click on Edit next to the A record that needs changed
NOTE: If the A Record needs updated to point to a new server the old A Record would have to be removed or the DNS will try to look at both servers and will not work. Remove the old record or update it to the new IP instead. - Update the IP address and click Save Record